The Circle of Governors is a group of individuals and organizations who play a significant role in supporting and advancing our mission. They believe in the value of community health care available to as many people as possible.
Becoming a Governor is to contribute to advancing healthcare initiatives in the community.
We wish to thank the members of the Circle of Governors below who contribute generous financial support to the QEHC foundation by making an annual gift of $250 and above. Their names are proudly displayed for one year on our donor wall located at the entrance of the Complex.
Anthony Aksich
Leslie Alcorn
Frances Algar
Elizabeth F. Anglin
Richard Ascroft
Robert Ayers
The Albert & Florence Aziz Family Foundation
Behaviour Interactive Inc
The Birks Family Foundation
John Blachford
Andrea Bobkowicz
James & Diana Bouchard
Diane Brais
Erika Breuer
Elizabeth Brierley
Mariko Imanaka
Gail Jarislowsky
Fondation Jeanniot
Gail Johnson
Douglas Karpman
Patricia Kirkpatrick
Jean Kirsch
Élaine Lalonde
Virginia Lam
François Landry
Heidi Lein
Linda Leith
Michael & Bonnie Levinson
Donald Lewis
Ralph & Judy Loader
John MacDonald
Sophie Madon
Joanne Mastro
Sharon McAlear
George McArthur
Sally McDougall
Michael McMaster
Stephen & Nancy Molson
Eric H. & Jane Molson
Genelva Briscoe
Arthur Broniszewski
Michael Bronstetter
Christina Brown Stuart
Maxime Brunet
Roderick Budd
Len Carpenter
Paul Casullo
Paul Cheng
Chun Yu Chung
Sandy Cochrane & Lynne Broderick
Jim Constantacos
Vince Cristiano
Reynold Del Papa
DJS Holding
Douglas & Diane Deruchie
Giovanni Di Battista
Jean-Pierre Monchalin
​Bodo Morgenstern
Josette Murdock
Richard Myron
Frédéric Noël
Emmanuel Nyahoho
Penelope Anne Packard
Michael Page
Jimmy Pape
Virginia Penhune
Klaus Petat
Louise Phelan
Michèle Phelan
Maria Rita Pistorello
Cheryl Polansky
Ben Pope
George Poumbouras
Michael & Cheryl Richards
Thomas P L Richards
James & Katherine Robb
Dr. Mark Roper
Henry Rosenblum
Carla Di Gironimo
Pasquale Di Lillo
Carole Di Palma
Kathleen Dunn
Roland Egger
Julian Elliott & Caroline Price
Vihang Errunza
Anthony & Kathie Fargnoli
Raffaele Fragomene
Marie-Laure Gayet-Guillard
Helmut Gebel
Alan Greenberg
Estate of Sheila Goldbloom
John Harvie
James Heaslip
Rachelle Henderson
Barbara Roubert-Duchesne
Anastasia Roumbas
Terry Scott
Marian Shapiro Pines
Diana Spencer Yanuska
Jeeja Srikant
Joan Stadelman
The Mireille and Murray Steinberg Foundation
Sonia Struthers
Joan Sutherland
Irene Tschernomor
Mahalia Verna
Donna Wedin Lacharité
Laura Weinkam
Janet Wilson
Mary Ann Wintoniak
Jane Lai-Chun Wong
Nancy Wright
Yuk Yu Yam
Debbie Zemnickis